We all use vision to appreciate the beauties of the world, to perceive information and store it in memory. However, few of us think about how this unique mechanism works. In addition, working at a computer, we do not spare our eyesight and we often go to the doctor when serious eye problems begin.
Today, diagnoses such as myopia, farsightedness and astigmatism are familiar even to children. All of these diseases are characterized by impaired visual acuity. Depending on the situation and age of the patient, various methods are used in the treatment of these pathologies - vitamin therapy, therapeutic eye exercises, wearing glasses. When such therapeutic methods fail, the doctor suggests that the patient undergo surgery to restore vision. What kind of operation is this? Let's find out together.
Types of surgery to restore vision
A few decades ago, humanity did not have the ability to eliminate complex vision problems. Today, the technological process has brought a significant advance in the field of ophthalmology, allowing to restore visual acuity in just one day. It's about laser technology. Eye surgeries are performed using highly advanced laser equipment. There are several different methods of laser vision correction. Let's see them in detail:
- Super Lasik- the most common operation today, which is performed according to the individual parameters of each patient, therefore, it offers the best results.
- Lasik- the basic method of vision correction. It does not take into account the individual characteristics of the patient's corneal structure.
- Femto Lasik- a technique that uses a special femto-laser to restore vision.
- Femto Super Lasik- the method is similar to the standard Femto Lasik, but it is carried out taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient's eye.
- Presby Lasik- the technique takes into account age-related changes in near vision in patients over 40, trying to correct it at all distances without glasses.
- PRK– the method is used for contraindications to standard procedures. For example, if the cornea is very thin.
- Epi-Lasik- one of the varieties of the standard Lasik procedure, which can sometimes be used for thin corneas.
performing surgery
The eye surgeon removes the top part of the cornea, after which the laser removes its inner part and returns the top layer to its place. The operation is performed under local anesthesia, not general anesthesia. Thus, the damage to the body is minimal. The patient feels very good. After the operation, vision begins to recover after 2-3 days. Other procedures to speed up the recovery period, the patient performs at home on their own.
Contraindications for surgical intervention
Vision correction with laser surgery is not performed on those under 18 and over 60. In addition, this surgical intervention is contraindicated in the presence of diseases in the patient such as tuberculosis, diabetes, oncology. Laser correction is not strictly recommended for pregnant and lactating women.
As we said earlier, vision is restored very quickly after laser surgery. The patient just needs to follow the rules of eye hygiene, temporarily exclude physical activity. Complications of the laser procedure are minimized.
Thus, we found that the operation to restore vision allows to obtain the best results in eliminating problems such as myopia, hyperopia, glaucoma, fibroids, astigmatism. The vision correction procedure is quick, recovery and adaptation is painless. Even with advanced stages of diseases of Organs visual organs, the operation works wonders. In this case, the patient is not exposed to general anesthesia, does not feel discomfort before and after surgery.
And yet, better than any operation is disease prevention. Therefore, it is necessary to protect vision and health in general from an early age.